genetic circuit

Modeling and Visualization of Synthetic Genetic Circuits

The iBioSim tool is being developed to facilitate the construction and simulation of synthetic genetic circuits. In this project, we have created a user interface that is similar to those used to construct schematic diagrams which are familiar to …

Learning Genetic Regulatory Network Connectivity from Time Series Data

Recent experimental advances facilitate the collection of time series data that indicate which genes in a cell are expressed. This information can be used to understand the genetic regulatory network that generates the data. Typically, Bayesian …

Design and analysis of a robust genetic Muller C-element

This paper presents results on the design and analysis of a robust genetic Muller C-element. The Muller C-element is a standard logic gate commonly used to synchronize independent processes in most asynchronous electronic circuits. Synthetic …

iSSA: An incremental stochastic simulation algorithm for genetic circuits

Researchers are now developing synthetic genetic circuits to manipulate the biochemical processes within living cells. In order to model and predict the behavior of these circuits, the designer must account for numerous reactions among many chemical …

Temperature Control of Fimbriation Circuit Switch in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli: Quantitative Analysis via Automated Model Abstraction

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) represent the predominant cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs). A key UPEC molecular virulence mechanism is type 1 fimbriae, whose expression is controlled by the orientation of an invertible chromosomal DNA …

Genetic design automation

Electronic design automation (EDA) tools have facilitated the design of ever more complex integrated circuits each year. Synthetic biology would also benefit from the development of genetic design automation (GDA) tools. Existing GDA tools require …

iBioSim: a tool for the analysis and design of genetic circuits

Representing Genetic Networks as Labeled Hybrid Petri Nets for State Space Exploration and Markov Chain Analysis

This paper presents the bachelor’s thesis of Curtis Kendall Madsen which can be broken down into the following three goals. The first goal of this project is to develop a way to convert genetic networks into logical models. Once this is done, finding …

Design and Analysis of Genetic Circuits

Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools have facilitated the design of ever more complex integrated circuits each year. Synthetic biology would also benefit from the development of Genetic Design Automation (GDA) tools. Existing GDA tools require …

Synthesis of Genetic Circuits from Graphical Specifications

EDA tools have facilitated the design of ever more complex integrated circuits each year. Synthetic biology would also benefit from the development of genetic design automation (GDA) tools. Existing GDA tools require biologists to design genetic …